How Do You Keep Your Eyes Healthy? Let’s Find Out
In this article, we explain how to keep your eyes healthy in 10 steps. Because we know that eye makeup can cause allergies and even inflammation of the eyes.
None of us would want a little carelessness to cause serious problems. Therefore, we have listed 10 steps to protect the eyes from makeup.
Products such as pencils, eyeliner and mascara used during eye makeup can cause various eye problems as a result of improper use.
Before we get into the below tips, please note that sleeping without removing makeup can make your eyes vulnerable to disease. Stay safe!
Use Quality Products
Low-quality, cheaply made makeup materials can be dangerous for health. Using a single product in more than one area can negatively affect the eyes especially.
Eye allergies or infections become inevitable when the right makeup materials are not chosen and quality products are not used.
When choosing a product, it is necessary to look at the expiration date and examine the place of manufacture.
Otherwise, diseases such as eyelash loss, eyelash base inflammation, droopy eyelid and eye infections are possible.
Don’t Share Makeup Products With Others
Eyes with dense vascular and nerve tissues are thinner and more sensitive than other parts of the body. When the eye makeup is not removed, bacteria and virus formation accelerate, while eyelash base inflammation can occur.
Using the same products for long periods can cause bacteria to multiply. Since every person has different bacteria in their body, using other people’s products is dangerous.
Sharing products also means sharing germs. Materials containing dense oil can affect tear production and clog tear ducts.
This situation negatively affects eye health and symptoms such as itching and redness may occur. After these symptoms, it is necessary to consult a specialist.
A Point That Allergic People Should Pay Attention To
People who are prone to allergic reactions should take extra care when choosing a makeup product. Protective and active ingredients in make-up products can cause eye allergies.
For this reason, it is important to apply products such as eye pencils to the outer parts of the eye area instead of the inner part close to the eye.
Otherwise, problems can occur in the meibomian sebaceous glands. If the meibomian glands become blocked, tears become poor quality and symptoms such as burning, stinging and redness in the eye can be seen.
This can also lead to infections such as styes in the eyes.
How Do You Keep Your Eyes Healthy in 10 Steps?

How Do You Keep Your Eyes Healthy in 10 Steps?
- While applying makeup, products should be applied outside of the eye. This application will prevent your brush or pencil from damaging the cornea.
- Water-based and easy-to-clean products should be preferred. These products will cause less eye damage as they allow the skin to breathe.
- Too much eyelid movement can occur when applying eye shadows to the eyelids. This may cause the muscle fibers in the eyelid to separate, and it may also lead to droopy eyelids. Therefore, the application should be made with gentle movements.
- Products such as powder eye shadows applied to the eyes can stick to the eye surface. Since this can cause allergic problems, liquid products should be used.
- Using tester products such as eyeliners and mascara sold in stores is dangerous to the eyes. Testing products should not be used because microbe reproduction and sharing are easier.
- The first warning we mentioned at the very beginning of the article was very important. Therefore, it is helpful to remind again. No matter how busy a day is spent, makeup on the skin and eyes must be removed before going to sleep. Uncleaned makeup can cause inflammation.
- The cotton ball used during cleaning should be changed frequently.
- If contact lenses are used, make-up removal must be performed after the lenses have been removed.
- Since bacteria can grow in humid and dark environments, they can grow on make-up sponges, mascara brushes, or in their containers. Therefore, using a product for a long time should be avoided.
- Care should be taken not to use makeup while in a vehicle. Shakes and bumps along the way may cause the products you use to harm your eyes.
See Also:
Common Myths and Misconceptions about Laser Eye Surgery
5 Easy DIY Eye Makeup Remover Tips
How To Make Natural Makeup Products At Home

As a nutritionist, I research, find and experiment with recipes, natural diets and meal plans for weight loss, bodybuilding, and detoxing.