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  • If sometimes after eating, an expectant mother has a feeling of burning sensation or pressure behind the breastbone, then this is heartburn. During 9 months of pregnancy female's body undergoes a whole list of physiological body changes.

  • Foods are classified according to the nutrient that they contain in abundance. Some are rich in protein, while others have more carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. The food we eat contains mainly five nutrients: Protein, Carbohydrates, Fats, Vitamins & Minerals, and Water. Our body needs(...)

  • The costs of obtaining proper medical care can be expensive in the United States. Medical bills can grow quickly and become a burden. As such, many people find it difficult to pay premium payments to get insured.

  • No one can deny the sophisticated effect of hazel eyes. The mix of green, dore and brown fascinates all of us. This eye color is one of the rare eye colors worldwide, so if your eyes are hazel, you are very lucky!

  • Cardiovascular disease is one of the leading causes of death in the world. The body undergoes daily attacks that end up depleting the cardiovascular system. Here are five foods that help protect your heart.

  • Headaches are common ailments. It is common to hear someone complaining of a headache. Did you know that you could relieve a headache without taking a single pill?

  • If you're experiencing a headache, you know it can be very annoying and painful. You may have tried certain home remedies but only experienced limited success or no success at all. But which remedies have been proven to work? Is it possible to treat a headache at home, naturally? In most(...)

  • One of the most crucial responsibilities for any individual is to ensure the family’s health needs are taken care of.

  • Hands affected by the cold in winter and the heat in summer become dry and cracked due to these weather changes.

  • A healthy scalp has an average of 100 thousand hairs. In adults, an average of 100-150 hairs falling out per day is considered normal due to washing and combing. The lifetime of each hair is roughly divided into three phases.

  • Before providing the necessary ingredients and recipes to make all the preparations, let's take a look at which factors our hair is most affected by.

  • Healthcare costs in the U.S. can be very expensive if you are uninsured. Emergency care at the hospital can cost tens of thousands of dollars, and even routine doctor’s visits can cost hundreds of dollars.

  • Navigating your private health insurance options can be confusing. If you have recently lost your job, or if you’ve taken a job that does not offer healthcare benefits, or if you’re self-employed and looking for an affordable healthcare plan, it can be a struggle to understand which option is(...)

  • Escalating healthcare costs, skyrocketing hospital bills, and growing medical expenses are the factors that have made healthcare coverage an absolute must.

  • The majority of Americans get their health insurance through their employer. Others get it through their spouse’s employer or their parent’s employer.

  • Who doesn't know what hoarseness is? Spending a few days with a rough, choppy voice or with a lower tone than normal does not have to be more than a simple passing problem.

  • Staying healthy while working from home - The COVID-19 pandemic has taken all over the world, and we can see it spreading to more areas day by day.

  • You want to straighten your wavy, curly or unruly hair, but you want to do it without damaging the hair. Hair straighteners and dryers both damage your hair and it is complete torture to put up with these procedures, as they take too much time.

  • Anyone who holds a high deductible health plan (HDHP) can open a health savings account (HSA).

  • There are several types of insurance available for purchase in the marketplace. The plans typically cover at least some portion of your medical, surgical, and prescription drug expenses.

  • A health savings account (HSA) can fund your deductibles in your high deductible health plan (HDHP), copays, and other out-of-pocket medical expenses.

  • Are you concerned about paying high monthly insurance premiums, but don’t want to be left uninsured? You may consider a high deductible health plan (HDHP) as one of your options. But first, what is an HDHP?

  • A Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) plan is a plan that provides its members with a network of healthcare providers (primary care doctors, hospitals, specialists, etc.).

  • Mental and emotional health are two terms that are often used interchangeably. Most people think they are the same, but the truth is that they have different functions.

  • Hair loss, also known as alopecia, is a condition in which hair falls out from the scalp or other parts of the body. It can be a frustrating and distressing experience that affects both men and women of all ages. Hair loss can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetics, hormonal(...)