
AJAX progress indicator
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  • COVID-19 is something that has played a daily role in our life the past year and a half. To say the stress of the pandemic has been exhausting would be an understatement.

  • What exactly is anxiety? It is a mental health diagnosis that causes excessive worry, fear, and panic over situations that may or may not be anxiety-inducing.

  • Did your ophthalmologist tell you that you have astigmatism? Is your vision blurry when looking at objects near or far? Astigmatism is a very common problem. You've probably heard this term many times. So what exactly is it?

  • Anxiety and panic attacks are signs and symptoms of stress. Most of the time, it's the constant interruptions and struggles that lead to panic attacks and not disasters like losing a loved one. For instance, worrying about pending bills can stress you out, leading to anxiety.

  • Ever experienced a burning sensation in your chest or upper stomach? Thrown off by the gassy bloating in the stomach or the nasty food juices that keep hitting the tongue, some time or the other. Well, this usually happens during a big hearty meal of greasy and spicy foods.

  • Eyelash extensions have been gaining a lot of attention lately. However, it is very important not to ignore the problems that they may cause.

  • Did you know that your gut and brain are connected? What this ultimately means is that whatever goes on in your brain may affect your stomach.

  • Apple cider vinegar and cayenne pepper are a great combination that you need for a morning detox. Adding a pinch of lemon to it adds a source of Vitamin C.

  • Are bananas good for acid reflux? The answer is, yes. Bananas beat acid reflux!  Acid reflux is the return of food and secretions from the stomach to the esophagus.

  • In the artificial insemination process, the sperm from the donor/partner is directly placed into the cervix or uterus of a woman. This method is one of the easiest procedures that can be performed at a fertility clinic or even at home. The sperm can be washed to remove unnecessary(...)

  • Caffeine addiction is one of those addictions that are often overlooked due to caffeine's known benefits. However, as with any addiction, caffeine addiction has many negative effects.

  • Doctors prescribe antibiotics to treat bacterial infections, making it one of the most widely used drugs in the US. However, some who are worried about their side effects, primarily on gut health, may ask, “can antibiotics cause constipation?”

  • Anxiety is a distressing, unpleasant state of body and minds a person experiences, characterized by a dramatic emotional response to imminent threats, persistent fear, and worry.

  • Sweat; It is the fluid that is expelled from the body to regulate body temperature, remove harmful toxins from the body and blood, and moisturize the skin.

  • People suffering from anxiety disorders may sometimes need to take medication for their situation. More serious bouts of anxiety and panic attacks may get in the way of normal functioning.

  • Anesthesiology is a medical specialty concerned with providing health care before, during, and after surgery. An anesthesiologist is a doctor who is responsible for anesthetizing patients during surgical procedures.

  • Whether it is about a job interview or an important test, it is safe to say that everyone has experienced anxiety at some point in their life.

  • Apple cider vinegar, also called ACV, is made from apples, sugar, and yeast. It has been utilized as a cure for germs for many years. Newer studies credit apple cider vinegar with more health benefits, such as regulating blood glucose levels and helping with weight loss. While there isn't a(...)

  • Contrary to what a lot of people believe, experiencing anxiety is actually a normal bodily response. Troubling situations trigger our bodies to feel a certain way, and though this may feel concerning, it is not always a bad thing.

  • People who have had an anxiety attack know very well how scary and difficult the attack is. Sudden numbness in the body, cold sweats, tremors, acceleration of heartbeats, the feeling of "something bad can happen at any moment," constriction, depression and worst of all, the helplessness of not(...)

  • Anxiety is not something to be taken lightly. Though it is a natural bodily response, disproportionate anxious feelings can be a sign of an anxiety disorder. One of the most common symptoms that you could experience if you have this condition is shortness of breath. When you get too(...)

  • Is apple good for acid reflux? – Well, YES, apple, being a fiber-rich fruit containing a higher quantity of soluble and insoluble fiber, can help people relieve acid reflux or heartburn.

  • Is apple good for cholesterol - Yes, if you consume two apples a day, you may keep the doctor away.

  • Acid reflux, also known as gastroesophageal reflux disease, is characterized by burning sensations and regurgitation of food into the esophagus and, in some cases, the end of the mouth (GERD).

  • Arthritis – inflammation of joints, is a common condition affecting all age groups. The feeling of stiffness, pain, immobility in joints, without a doubt can significantly affect your quality of life

  • Scientific studies reveal that in case of unnecessary use of antibiotic medicines, the body's ability to fight microbes starts to decrease, and the immune system is weakened, which can lead to many serious diseases and even death.

  • We all have an idea of how hard it must be to be suffering from anxiety or an anxiety disorder. The topic is out in the open and many resources are tackling this issue.

  • It’s natural for your young child to feel anxious when you say goodbye. In early childhood, crying, tantrums, or clinginess—all the hallmarks of the disorder—are healthy reactions to separation and a normal stage of development.

  • Per the American Psychological Association, Substance Use Disorder (SUD), or addiction, is the inability to stop using harmful substances. Addiction is giving up everything for one thing. Recovery is giving up one thing for everything. Even if the outcome is dangerous and(...)

  • Artificial Insemination or AI is a method of treating infertility where semen, either from the male partner or the donor, is injected directly into the female’s reproductive tract.

  • You enter a room filled with people and immediately feel uncomfortable and your heart starts racing. Then, you worry that everyone there is judging you and panic at the thought of meeting someone new or striking up a conversation. Finally, you decide to leave. Does this situation sound(...)

  • When stomach acid rushes back into the esophagus, it causes gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) (the tube connecting your mouth and stomach). The esophagus lining may become irritated by this "acid reflux" or backwash. It is common for people to experience acid reflux from time to time, but(...)

  • We have all been there. You are trying to fall asleep at night and all of a sudden your anxiety starts spiraling. What happened? Where did it come from?

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  • There are incredibly effective uses for banana peels, from adding them to recipes to using them as home remedies for various ailments. Here are 10 different reasons why you should not throw your banana peels away and what you can do with them instead.

  • Are bananas good for diarrhea? In short, a banana is not a fruit that will heal diarrhea, but it is of great importance for recovering lost minerals and nutrients.

  • We are not in favor of monotony so don't worry we do not propose a "routine" that will bore you but acquire a series of daily habits that improve the quality of life in the long term.

  • The wedding season is full of excitement and joyful celebration! However, the season can feel overwhelming and uncomfortable when you are unprepared.

  • You’re a twenty-something now, and you’re starting to notice that you aren’t looking quite as fresh as you used to. Lucky for you, there are easy, at-home beauty techniques that are easy for you and easy on your bank account.

  • Body aches are a source of discomfort for many people. Human beings are averse to pain and will go to great lengths to avoid it.

  • Human life is an adventure that passes from the first breath and the last breath. A person breathes hundreds of millions of breaths throughout their life. Breathing is an activity that keeps people alive, affects the whole body, and seems very simple.

  • Keto diet, or ketogenic diet, is a low carb, adequate-protein, high-fat diet. The main purpose is to force your body to burn fats and proteins for calories instead of carbohydrates which offers many health benefits. The Keto diet has been used to control epilepsy, diabetes, metabolic(...)

  • Blue eyes are soothing and gorgeous, but the wrong makeup can make them look dull and pale.

  • Being beautiful is every woman's wish. Makeup is indispensable for women, regardless of age, country or style. For make-up to look its best, it must be suitable for the person's appearance and style.

  • The best foods for breastfeeding moms is a topic that continues to be extensively researched.

  • Bad breath is a health problem that affects the social life of many people. There may be many reasons for bad breath, but hygiene undoubtedly takes the first place.

  • Blackheads are a skin problem that becomes visible when dirt that accumulates in the pores becomes darker through oxidation.

  • Shortness of breath, which is called dyspnea in medical terms, is defined as the inability of a person to breathe sufficiently.

  • How much do braces cost without insurance? Well, there is no doubt that dental procedures are expensive. So if this question is deterring you from undergoing vital treatment, you should remember that it can transform your smile and confidence. Most importantly, it improves dental and(...)

  • If you have been carrying extra weight and fat in your belly area for a long time, the fat in this area may have turned into a stubborn, hard-to-melt fat layer.

  • Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) or body dysmorphia is a quickly growing mental illness in both the male and female populations. BDD is a disorder that causes you to have a flawed and warped image of yourself.

  • Bronchitis is a respiratory condition that affects millions of people worldwide, characterized by the inflammation of the respiratory tubes that carry the air to and from the lungs. It can be categorized into two types: acute and chronic bronchitis.

  • Today, we will examine the banana diet, which is a shock diet frequently used by those who want to lose weight fast. We will explain what it is, how it is applied, what its effects are on the body, and what should be considered while following it.

  • Do you feel exhausted all the time? Does the idea of going to work make you dread getting up in the morning? You can't stay focused on any task and you just want to sit on the couch and scroll your phone? If you answered yes to these questions, you could very well be suffering from it.

  • At least once in your life, you or someone you know has told or been told they were bipolar by another person based on their mood swings, am I right? It is kind of like saying, "oh, I'm so OCD" when you like things to be in order.

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  • Are you looking for 3 days juice cleanse weight loss recipes and plans? Here are the recipes for detox water that burns fat in 3 days.

  • Do you struggle with hyper-independence? Maybe you deal with low self-esteem? Are you trying to make others happy to feel fulfilled in life?

  • Whether you want to admit it or not, you cannot tell me that it is easy for you to stop caring about what others think of you. Per human psychology and behaviors based on evolution, the need to be liked is crucial to survival (well that last part is not as true anymore).

  • Is apple juice good for constipation? – People suffering from constipation should always try natural remedies before taking any supplements. Your body knows what it needs from nature to properly function and survive.

  • What is the best drink to lower cholesterol?- Pomegranate juice! Well, some studies suggest that drinking natural pomegranate juice might lower cholesterol levels.

  • If you are at a point in your life where insurance premiums are starting to become financially overburdening, or you are simply wondering why you are paying high premiums for insurance cover that you seem to never need, then catastrophic health insurance coverage may be perfect for you.

  • Cobra health insurance coverage allows employees to remain on their employer’s team health scheme after leaving employment.

  • If you’ve lost your job recently, you may be worried about what you will do for health insurance. With the recent string of layoffs and downsizing due to COVID-19, many Americans have found themselves in this situation.

  • There is a sickening feeling that comes with control issues. You get nonstop butterflies in your stomach, anxiety is rushing throughout your body, and you feel like you are spiraling.

  • Diet to lower cholesterol and blood pressure – Heart-healthy diet choices and lifestyle changes can positively impact your blood pressure and cholesterol levels. What you eat in a day has a lot to do with your health and well-being.

  • Throughout our childhood, we constantly hear popular myths and rumors. Nowadays, many of these tales have been firmly and scientifically debunked.

  • Constipation happens when you can barely pass stools and strain so hard to do so. This is often the cause when you have less than three bowel movements in seven days.

  • People with sensitive stomachs might be more at risk of suffering from constipation when they drink milk.

  • Foods that lower cholesterol fast are the ones that offer the key to healthy living. A higher level of bad cholesterol increases the risk of heart diseases, which should always be taken care of.

  • Foods to avoid when constipated are the ones that add to its symptoms, causing more chronic problems, including gas and bloating.

  • A chest cough with phlegm occurs in the respiratory tract and causes various problems in daily life. It occurs most often in autumn and winter.

  • The common cold (also known simply as a cold) is a mild disease caused by nearly 200 viruses. It is more common in autumn and winter. A runny nose, sore throat and tiredness are the main symptoms.

  • A cold sore is a common viral skin infection that occurs in and around the lips. The most common cause is the herpes simplex virus.

  • Have you ever suffered from dry stools with less frequent bowel movements every week? You’re constipated and need to do something about it if you don’t want to suffer for a long time.

  • We all know how curled eyelashes can improve our looks. Beautiful eyelashes without mascara are all our dreams. To achieve this, we try many different methods such as lifting and eyelash extensions and various procedures on our eyelashes.

  • How to reduce cholesterol without medication?  Begin with your diet! Several manageable dietary changes can help lower cholesterol naturally.

  • Is apple good for constipation? – “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” – and constipation at bay. That’s true because apple has higher amounts of soluble and insoluble fiber, which come in handy in fighting constipation and regulating bowel movements.

  • Constipation is a common health issue. Most of us have dealt with it at some point in our lives. This condition can be quite frustrating, especially if it occurs frequently.

  • Cabbage is a vegetable that may be grown in cold weather (both the winter and autumn). The cabbage is a resilient, vitamin-rich green vegetable that contains a lot of essential nutrients required for human health and well-being.

  • Constipation occurs when you don't pass stool as frequently as you should. Your stool may become firm and dry, making it difficult to pass. Constipation can be caused by some issues, but the most common causes are a low-fiber diet, dehydration, and lack of exercise

  • Eating fiber-rich foods – oatmeal, prunes, apples, flaxseeds, oranges, and beans – is a tested technique to keep your ‘gut’ happy.

  • Millions of individuals suffer from constipation, which refers to irregular and difficult bowel motions. Some people have bowel motions three times each day, while others have them once a week. If you do not have a bowel movement for more than three days, you may have lower abdominal(...)

  • Constipation is a common digestive disorder characterized by three or fewer bowel movements per week or by stool that is hard, dry, or unpleasant to pass.

  • Constipation is defined as having less than 3 bowel movements in a week, which may be associated with straining to defecate, the passage of hard stools, and tenesmus. This condition can significantly affect your quality of life.

  • Constipation is defined by the medical community as a decrease in bowel movements or difficulty passing stools. Constipation is a frequent complaint that affects 42 million Americans. Certain foods, such as yogurt, can assist in increasing the frequency of bowel motions. This article(...)

  • Constipation happens when waste finds it hard to get around the digestive tract. The delay usually causes it to dry up and become hard, restricting its movement through the intestine.

  • A ketogenic diet causes the body to primarily use fat for energy rather than glucose. Ketogenic diet regimens consist of low carbohydrate intake (<5%) with high fat (70-75%) and moderate protein (20-25%).

  • Everyone’s becoming health-conscious nowadays. If you are worried about your health and want to live a healthy life, you should start taking care of it from today itself.

  • The global pandemic has affected the lives of every individual across the globe. Scientists and research institutes are working day and night to develop effective vaccines against this Coronavirus.

  • Medical billing and coding certificate programs offer entry to high-demand professions in the health care industry. Though there are several distinctions between billing and coding, both often go hand in hand, dealing with medical record-keeping.

  • Whether watery, fibrous or adipose, cellulite is unsightly, even if it is naturally present, especially in women. Here are ten simple tips for minimizing it.

  • Pre-Med certificate programs online involve courses and activities needed for prospective medical students to get admission to medical schools.

  • The tin can, whose primary quality is to ensure the preservation of food without adding ingredients, has become over time a must in our kitchens.

  • As you know, everyone in the world, because of COVID-19, struggles to have better conditions, whether it is related to finance or health. In such a situation, a prompt publication of clinical trials guidelines and modifications have been made to ensure the risk of virus spreading.

  • Did you know that the pleasure of eating an ounce of chocolate can be on the list of habits with positive health effects? Here are eight ways to eat chocolate and not get fat.

  • COBRA health insurance coverage allows employees to remain on their employer’s health insurance plan after leaving employment.

  • What are the worst foods for high cholesterol? – It’s been a trending topic on the internet these days. And, yes, you are already on the right path if you are searching for good foods to maintain a healthy lifestyle and keep cholesterol levels in sound shape.

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  • The first teeth usually come out 6 months after birth. There are one of the most important structures in the body, and if not properly cared for, they may decay or fall out as a result of unhealthy habits. Especially if decays are not treated in time, the nerves inside the tooth die, and(...)

  • How many types of dental braces are there? Can I choose any type that I want? We will answer these questions and more in this article.

  • Eating disorders are one of the quickest developing and most dangerous mental illnesses in today's world. With social media, the constant comparison, and an over-sexualized culture, it is impossible to escape body image reminders.

  • Some days it might feel impossible to get out of bed in the morning. Others, taking a shower might be the most productive thing you do all day. Depression is a debilitating mental illness that few realize they are falling into.