
AJAX progress indicator
  • f

  • Folic acid, also called folate or vitamin B9 is a vitamin that occurs naturally in foods like asparagus, beans, beetroot, Brussels sprouts, citrus fruits, lentils, liver, etc. The importance of folic acid in the body is mainly in creating and maintaining cells and preventing DNA alterations(...)

  • An FSA is a pre-tax fund that is arranged through an employer, to set aside money to pay for out-of-pocket expenses.

  • If you are evaluating health insurance plans, FSA and HSA are terms you are bound to come across frequently. Both flexible spending accounts (FSAs) and health savings accounts (HSAs) can be thought of as personal savings accounts, except for one limitation.

  • g

  • To say reaching your goals is a daunting task is an understatement. Honestly, it requires more mental work than it does physical work. So much so that the majority of people quit too early because it is mentally draining to push yourself in that way. When it comes to goal setting, three(...)

  • Gallstones arise when bile constituents like cholesterol and bilirubin (RBCs destruction products) collect and develop stones in the gall bladder.

  • If you're looking for an answer to the question "can I eat bananas with gallstones?" you're in the right place. So, can bananas be eaten with gallstones?

  • Gallstones – or as medical professionals refer to it - cholelithiasis is a type of disease when solid stones accumulate in the gallbladder. It’s a pretty common condition since about 10-20% of American adults are diagnosed with gallstones, which is approximately 25 million people.

  • Cottage cheese is made from the pear of cow's milk, which can vary in fat. The cottage cheese is formed through the addition of lemon, or vinegar to warm milk, the casein protein is separated from the liquid part of milk known as milk serum.

  • Green eyes are one of the rarest and beautiful eye colors. Eyes can be made deeper and more striking with the right tones and highlights when applying makeup.

  • Nobody wants to ruin their makeup with a bad color choice when they have a great eye color. For this reason, in this article, we will look for answers to questions such as what are the best eye shadow colors and makeup techniques for green eyes.

  • Cancer is one of the leading causes of death on this planet. Cancer is the main reason behind nearly 10 million deaths in 2020, and most people die because they don’t have money for their treatment. The financial costs associated with cancer treatment are overwhelming, which makes patients(...)

  • How to become a gastroenterologist? If you are interested in medical studies related to the digestive system, you might be wondering the same.

  • When it comes to weight problems, the first thing that comes to mind is the weight-loss diets that people who are trying to get rid of their excess weight follow.

  • If you're wondering how to whiten your gums naturally, this article is for you. With these 6 methods, it is possible to whiten your gums in a short time.

  • The United States of America is one of the key destinations for learners who want to experience universally-recognized top-tier education. If you are looking forward to becoming a doctor, you understand that medical school can be a long, challenging journey. Acquiring a medical degree is(...)

  • h

  • If sometimes after eating, an expectant mother has a feeling of burning sensation or pressure behind the breastbone, then this is heartburn. During 9 months of pregnancy female's body undergoes a whole list of physiological body changes.

  • Foods are classified according to the nutrient that they contain in abundance. Some are rich in protein, while others have more carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. The food we eat contains mainly five nutrients: Protein, Carbohydrates, Fats, Vitamins & Minerals, and Water. Our body needs(...)

  • The costs of obtaining proper medical care can be expensive in the United States. Medical bills can grow quickly and become a burden. As such, many people find it difficult to pay premium payments to get insured.

  • No one can deny the sophisticated effect of hazel eyes. The mix of green, dore and brown fascinates all of us. This eye color is one of the rare eye colors worldwide, so if your eyes are hazel, you are very lucky!

  • Cardiovascular disease is one of the leading causes of death in the world. The body undergoes daily attacks that end up depleting the cardiovascular system. Here are five foods that help protect your heart.

  • Headaches are common ailments. It is common to hear someone complaining of a headache. Did you know that you could relieve a headache without taking a single pill?

  • If you're experiencing a headache, you know it can be very annoying and painful. You may have tried certain home remedies but only experienced limited success or no success at all. But which remedies have been proven to work? Is it possible to treat a headache at home, naturally? In most(...)

  • One of the most crucial responsibilities for any individual is to ensure the family’s health needs are taken care of.

  • Hands affected by the cold in winter and the heat in summer become dry and cracked due to these weather changes.

  • A healthy scalp has an average of 100 thousand hairs. In adults, an average of 100-150 hairs falling out per day is considered normal due to washing and combing. The lifetime of each hair is roughly divided into three phases.

  • Before providing the necessary ingredients and recipes to make all the preparations, let's take a look at which factors our hair is most affected by.

  • Healthcare costs in the U.S. can be very expensive if you are uninsured. Emergency care at the hospital can cost tens of thousands of dollars, and even routine doctor’s visits can cost hundreds of dollars.

  • Navigating your private health insurance options can be confusing. If you have recently lost your job, or if you’ve taken a job that does not offer healthcare benefits, or if you’re self-employed and looking for an affordable healthcare plan, it can be a struggle to understand which option is(...)

  • Escalating healthcare costs, skyrocketing hospital bills, and growing medical expenses are the factors that have made healthcare coverage an absolute must.

  • The majority of Americans get their health insurance through their employer. Others get it through their spouse’s employer or their parent’s employer.

  • Who doesn't know what hoarseness is? Spending a few days with a rough, choppy voice or with a lower tone than normal does not have to be more than a simple passing problem.

  • Staying healthy while working from home - The COVID-19 pandemic has taken all over the world, and we can see it spreading to more areas day by day.

  • You want to straighten your wavy, curly or unruly hair, but you want to do it without damaging the hair. Hair straighteners and dryers both damage your hair and it is complete torture to put up with these procedures, as they take too much time.

  • Anyone who holds a high deductible health plan (HDHP) can open a health savings account (HSA).

  • There are several types of insurance available for purchase in the marketplace. The plans typically cover at least some portion of your medical, surgical, and prescription drug expenses.

  • A health savings account (HSA) can fund your deductibles in your high deductible health plan (HDHP), copays, and other out-of-pocket medical expenses.

  • Are you concerned about paying high monthly insurance premiums, but don’t want to be left uninsured? You may consider a high deductible health plan (HDHP) as one of your options. But first, what is an HDHP?

  • A Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) plan is a plan that provides its members with a network of healthcare providers (primary care doctors, hospitals, specialists, etc.).

  • Mental and emotional health are two terms that are often used interchangeably. Most people think they are the same, but the truth is that they have different functions.

  • Hair loss, also known as alopecia, is a condition in which hair falls out from the scalp or other parts of the body. It can be a frustrating and distressing experience that affects both men and women of all ages. Hair loss can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetics, hormonal(...)

  • i

  • The average cost of health insurance for 60-year-old female will often depend on age, state of residence, insurance plan, and other factors.

  • Health insurance premiums have risen significantly over the past years due to healthcare costs.

  • If you fall into one of these categories: young adults, a part-time employees, self-employed, unemployed, a business owner, a retiree, an individual who has been dropped by an existing insurer, or someone whose company benefits do not include health insurance, then finding the best private(...)

  • Insomnia is a common sleep disorder that can make it difficult to fall asleep and can cause sufferers to wake up too early or cause sleep interruption.

  • Most Americans understand the importance of getting their health insurance plan. It has a vital role in everyone’s life, as it protects people from unexpected medical expenses.

  • Acid indigestion, also called heartburn, is a very common ailment. Over 60 million people across the US experience acid indigestion monthly.

  • Indigestion and gas are extremely common problems. Though you may love eating your favorite foods, sometimes those foods don’t agree with you.

  • The eye is one of the most sensitive organs in the body and is easily affected by environmental factors.

  • There are many different kinds of insurance plans and choosing one that meets your personal needs can be overwhelming. There's a lot of industry-related jargon that makes understanding what you're looking for trickier—particularly if you have to get the best individual health insurance on(...)

  • Many people, especially the young ones, feel like they are healthy enough to skip out on health insurance. However, with the ever-rising instances of health problems of all ages, getting health insurance is necessary.

  • Leaping to either work or start living abroad can be both exciting and frightening. It can be exciting because of all the different possibilities that the new chapter in your life will open up.

  • Artificial insemination or AI is the process of introducing the semen of the male partner or the donor directly into the female reproductive system, without either of the partners engaging in sexual intercourse.

  • Intermittent fasting – as the name suggests, is a diet focused on fasting from time to time during the day. It cycles through periods of fasting and eating and does not indicate what foods you should eat, but rather when you should eat them. That’s why it’s favored by many, who don’t want(...)

  • In vitro fertilization – a type of Assisted Reproductive Technology is a wonderful treatment option for infertility which involves the fertilization of eggs by sperm outside the body. When other fertility treatment options fail, IVF is used.

  • Life Insurance is important no matter what your age. It’s a good option for those who want to secure their family with financial support after their demise.

  • For anyone familiar with the healthcare industry in the United States, one thing you probably already know is how expensive health insurance can be.

  • Which is better short-term health insurance or COBRA insurance? Let us dive deeper and compare the two in this article.

  • When looking for a health insurance plan, you need to consider many factors. Your pre-existing conditions, your dependents, and your budget among others will all determine the best plan for you.

  • IVF - In vitro, fertilization is without no doubt one of the most revolutionary innovations of the 20th century in the field of reproductive medicine. Since its first successful implantation in 1978, it has helped multiple couples with fertility issues or single parents who wished to(...)

  • Intrauterine insemination is a type of artificial insemination that involves the direct placement of sperm into a woman's uterus.

  • j

  • After losing your job or having your hours cut, you may find it hard to keep up with premium payments.

  • Part-time jobs have become more appealing than ever these days. Having multiple part-time jobs also gives the feeling of freedom as well as financial safety to many professionals.

  • k

  • Foods for kidney health play a significant role in steering clear of Chronic Kidney Diseases (CKD). Kidneys filter up and remove waste from the body through urine.

  • l

  • One of the most important decisions you will make as you think about your future is whether to include a plan for long term care (LTC) in your retirement plan. Long term care includes a range of services and support that people may need if they are unable to perform certain activities on(...)

  • Whether you just broke up with the love of your life, moved to a new city, or feel like you have no one on your side, it is almost guaranteed that loneliness will eventually creep up. Dealing with these feelings can lead to depression, low self-esteem, and some late-night text messages we are(...)

  • Having bigger lips is the dream of most women. You can get your lips the look you desire without spending a lot of money for fuller and remarkable lips, and without the need for botox or fillers.

  • If your pregnancy has come to its final month, there is a good chance that you're thinking about childbirth. Among many other things at this point of your journey, going through labor and giving birth might be stressing you out.

  • The simple answer is yes, lemons are suitable for your skin, but they also have a few drawbacks.

  • Due to the eventualities that the future brings, it is essential to have long-term health insurance. Even though the future is very unpredictable, some things are a given. We know that our health fails as we grow older.

  • Research shows that the coronavirus causes respiratory distress by targeting the lungs. Our lungs have a very important role in supplying the blood carrying oxygen to our entire body.

  • Private student loans for medical students are a viable solution for financing an education. After scholarships and grants, private loans can be used to pay for medical school.

  • m

  • Mascara on the eyelid, unequal eyeliner. These are just some of the most time-consuming makeup mistakes. Sometimes it is not possible not to go crazy while applying eye makeup.

  • If you are trying not to consume refined sugar and you need to stay away from the desserts, cakes, and cookies, because they contain too much sugar, we have something to tell you. Thanks to natural sugar (molasses), you can make delicious recipes. Especially in winter, it is time to invite(...)

  • Bringing new experiences to your brain keeps your brain healthier. In this article, we'll look at some exercises that can help our brain work better.

  • Home health care service is a valuable benefit provided by Medicare. You receive professional nursing care, therapy, and other home services if you are partially or entirely confined to your home for medical reasons such as injury or illness.

  • Curious about makeup styles for glasses wearers? If you are looking for makeup models suitable for glasses frames, you are in the right place, because this article is full of makeup tricks.

  • Many women are asking whether there is a home remedy for menstrual pain. These pains usually occur before or in the first days of menstruation.

  • As you discover new foods, teas, mixtures and tricks that work to boost your metabolism, you'll want to include them in your diet and lifestyle.

  • To relieve discomfort caused by fatigue, uncertainty, responsibilities and daily chaos. We can use meditation to calm down, strengthen our sense of confidence in ourselves and life, increase our creativity and organize more easily.

  • Keeping your mental well-being in tune is just as important as making sure that your physiological state is running smoothly. Our bodies function in a way that when one area is in a compromising situation, a cascading effect will get to the other parts as well.

  • Makeup can enhance your natural features, but you don’t need it to look great.

  • Unfortunately, we buy many products not because we need them, but on impulse or because we hear good things about them from someone else.

  • One of the most common eyes makeup mistakes is that the mascara smears on the eyelids.  So, should this mistake be considered a makeup mistake or is it the wrong product choice?

  • There is anecdotal use of liquids such as milk, juices, bicarbonate, and other antiacids for chronic reflux disease. However alleviative at the moment ingested, there is an association between the practice and the contrary effects long range. Therefore, we aim to research for clarity on this aspect.

  • It is easy to give your outlook glow and glow just by following some simple and easy makeup tricks. Discover with us now how to cover up wrinkles, dark circles, and swollen eyelids and hide them forever!

  • A few ladies back then needed to look older. Do you still recall those days? However, some basic cosmetics botches can consistently signal an off-base turn.

  • Women who are aged 50 and above need their makeup products to be as moisturizing as possible so that they wear them with pride while leaving their skin glamorous with a healthy glow.

  • Unlike Medicare, which is an insurance program that is solely offered by the federal government, Medicaid is offered by the state, in conjunction with the federal government.

  • Medicaid eligibility depends on various factors such as age, income, disability, household size, pregnancy, and the applicant’s role in the household.

  • Medicare makes it easier and more convenient for people who are over the age of 65 to receive healthcare coverage.

  • Medicare and Medicaid are both health programs sponsored by the U.S government for American citizens since 1965. Although their names sound similar and often confuse many, how they work and their extent of coverage is not the same.

  • Mediterranean Diet Vs Keto – Millions of people worldwide now follow a healthy lifestyle, thanks to social media and health & fitness influencers. However, when choosing between these two world-famous weight-loss diet plans, it’s better to know the pros and cons first.

  • Mommy makeover is a term used to describe a set of cosmetic surgical procedures that are used to correct any physical changes that occur in women who have undergone childbirth and breastfeeding.

  • Top accredited online medical billing and coding schools offer good chances of success. Medical billing and coding are becoming extremely popular career choices.

  • What is a mommy makeover? – And things to expect from the procedure discussed here. Motherhood is a fulfilling experience for many, but it changes a woman’s body significantly.

  • Childbirth is a miracle of life, and women go through several changes before, during, and after childbirth. It can alter your body and physique completely, which is a source of concern for many women.

  • n

  • Nurse esthetician, or as you may call it, an aesthetic nurse is a well-paying job, but more than that has a great responsibility.

  • The medical field is often associated with white coats, busy hallways, the sound of machines trying to save lives and healthcare workers working tirelessly.

  • How to become a travel nurse - If travel nursing is appealing to you, then you must be wondering how to become one.

  • Nude makeup fashion continues its popularity this season. Naturalness in make-up is undoubtedly one of the issues that most people pay attention to.