Can Diabetics Eat Sweet Potatoes?

Can Diabetics Eat Sweet Potatoes?Can Diabetics Eat Sweet Potatoes?

Can Diabetics Eat Sweet Potatoes? – Overview

Sweet potato, also known as Ipomoea batatas, is an annual vegetable in the Convolvulaceae family that is farmed for its tasty roots.

Sweet potato vines have a spiral pattern forming lobes, heart-shaped leaflets, and white or purple blooms on branching, creeping vines.

The plant has tubers, which are larger roots that serve as a source of nutrition for the plant.

Tubers come in a variety of shapes and colors, including red, yellow, brown, white, and purple. Sweet potato vines can grow up to 4 m in length and are typically farmed as a perennial that is harvested after one growing season.

Sweet potatoes are native to Central America and are sometimes known as yams or Spanish potatoes.

Sweet potato tubers can be consumed raw or cooked, or processed into flour or starches. The leaves can be consumed raw or cooked.

What are the Health Benefits of Sweet Potatoes?

There are many benefits of candy potatoes, of which the most famous are:

Promoting cardiovascular health

Potassium in this type of potatoes, which play a significant role in promoting cardiovascular health and controlling blood pressure levels, are known to be very important for maintaining fluid balance in the body and maintaining normal blood pressure levels, and every 100 g of raw sweet potatoes contains approximately 337 mg potassium.

Supplying energy to the body

Potatoes are a source of carbohydrates and starches, which are the primary source of energy in the body. Every 100 gum of roast supplies about 89 calories.

Improve immunity

Since this type of potato is a rich and high source of both vitamin C and beta-carotene, it will certainly play a major role in strengthening and enhancing immunity by neutralizing free roots and combating many infections and diseases, especially cold and winter diseases.

Skin and eye health

Since sweet potatoes are a source of vitamin A, and beta-carotene is a powerful antioxidant necessary to neutralize free roots and to combat signs of aging, wrinkles, in particular, potatoes will certainly play a significant role in increasing your skin’s freshness and brightness.

Fight against cancers

In some research, it was found that sweet potatoes may play a major role in combating certain types of cancers, including prostate and colon cancer, and as rich in flavonoid compounds, they help protect against lung cancer and oral cancers.

Preventing anemia

As a source of iron and folate, sweet potatoes will certainly play a role in the prevention of anemia and are particularly recommended to pregnant women as an easy-to-digest snack that helps to supply them with the important nutrients they need.

Promoting digestive health

It is usually recommended to eat at least 25-30 grams of dietary fiber daily, but most people may not eat them on most days, which may result in gastrointestinal infections and constipation.

What is the Nutritional Content of Sweet Potatoes?

The following table shows the content of 100 grams of boiled sweet potatoes without the outer shell of various nutrients:

Water80.13 ml
Calories76 Kcal
Protein1.37 g
Fat0.14 g
Carbohydrates17.72 g
Fibers2.5 g
Sugars5.74 g
Starches5.22 g
Calcium27 mg
Iron0.72 mg
Magnesium18 mg
Potassium230 mg
Sodium27 mg
Vitamin C12.8 mg
Vitamin B60.165 mg
Vitamin A15,740 IU
Phosphorus32 mg
Zinc0.2 mg
Folate6 mcg
Vitamin E0.94 mg
Vitamin K2.1 mcg

Can Diabetics Eat Sweet Potatoes?

Sweet potatoes are considered to have a low glycemic index, and according to recent research, they may help to reduce blood sugar drops, and insulin resistance in diabetics, as they are a rich source of complex carbohydrates and dietary fiber.

Some reports say that foods with a low glycemic index have a direct impact on blood glucose levels, and can therefore help diabetics control the disease.

How to consume sweet potatoes to get their benefits

Sweet potatoes can be consumed in several ways to obtain all their benefits, and sweet potatoes are always advised to be stored in a cold and dry place for not more than 3-5 weeks.

The best way to cook sweet potatoes is by roasting them and eating them without any additions.

Roast potatoes usually gain a sweet, crisp, and tasty feel when roasting them.

Sweet potatoes can be roasted in the oven or by using coal outside the house by wrapping them in aluminum paper and leaving them for 50-60 minutes so that they can be sure to be settled.

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